Sunday 27 October 2013

Resident Evil

Resident evil world

Chris Re6


Early Life/Career

At the age of around 17, Chris joined the United States Air Force, serving as a pilot and marksman. In addition to flying fighter planes, he demonstrated outstanding firearms handling and was trained rigorously in hand-to-hand and knife combat, and took part in missions overseas. He has been described by his commanding officers as "uncompromising", "possessing unwavering dedication" and having a "high level of adaptability". However, Chris was constantly coming into direct conflict with his superiors. Unable to settle these disputes, he chose the path of early retirement at around 23–24 years of age.
After leaving the Air Force, Chris started drifting across the US and eventually got to Raccoon City; where his old comrade, Barry Burton, suggested he try out for the new S.T.A.R.S. police force - an elite unit mostly comprised of ex-military personnel, and created to quell the increase in the number of cases involving terrorism. RE5 states S.T.A.R.S. contacted him, probably after a recommendation from Barry. Thinking he may as well try out, Chris applied for S.T.A.R.S. where he was immediately accepted. Along with Barry, Chris was recruited into the lead Alpha team with Albert Wesker as captain.
He served as both a point man, (PM) as well as Alpha team's co-pilot, and was known for his marksmanship ability (for which he had a friendly rivalry with Bravo team member Forest Speyer and received numerous commendations for). It was here that he also met his future partner and closest friend, Jill Valentine, and the two bonded with each other.

The Mansion Incident

Chris Redfield
Chris in Resident Evil.

"We continued our search for the other members... and it turned into... a nightmare...""

On July 24, 1998, Alpha team were sent to the Arklay Mountains on the outskirts of Raccoon City to investigate the sudden disappearance of their compatriots, Bravo team.[3] While walking through the forest, they discovered the remains of Bravo team's helicopter, along with the mutilated corpse of their pilot: Kevin Dooley.[3] Suddenly, while investigating the quiet woods, Alpha team member Joseph Frost was attacked by a wild dog, with the rest of the pack following, eating him alive. Jill witnessed this and began firing, but was so shocked at the sight she failed to realize her gun had run out of ammo, and she continued to pull the trigger. One of the dogs noticed her watching and ran towards her. Chris gunned down the dog and took a hold of Jill telling her to run.
With Alpha team on high alert, they ran through the forest to the landing zone, only to find their pilot, Brad Vickers, flying away in terror. To buy the others time, Chris turned and braced himself as a dog leaped at him. However, Wesker shot it out of the air and ordered Chris and Jill to follow him. Spotting a mansion in the distance, the four remaining officers ran towards it, shooting at the wild dogs. Finally, they entered the seemingly deserted mansion for cover.
Throughout the night, Chris worked through the Mansion in search of life, combating numerous creatures, and ran into two surviving members of Bravo team, Rebecca Chambers and Richard Aiken. Chris then ran into Wesker while investigating the mansion residence who told Chris that he and Jill were separated earlier.
Making his way to the caves beneath the Mansion, Chris finds a wounded Enrico Marini, Bravo team's captain, who informed Chris that there was a traitor among the group, before being shot dead by an unknown assailant. Chris then discovers an underground laboratory used for making B.O.W.s, and also finds out that Wesker was one of the leading researchers. He finds Wesker, who confirms that he lured S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion to use their combat with the B.O.W.'s as data for further research. Wesker shoots Rebecca and unleashes a monster called Tyrant. It impales Wesker, and apparently kills him, but Chris manages to take it down. Rebecca survived the gunshot due to her bulletproof vest and ran ahead to activate the self-destruct sequence she had found. With it activated, Chris focused his attention on finding Jill. Running through the lab, he found that Wesker had locked her in a cell. After rescuing her, they both ran to the roof to await Brad's rescue (Brad had earlier made contact with the team and had decided to return for them). Rebecca joined them on the roof but before Brad could land, the Tyrant emerged from the floor and began to attack. After a shoot and dodge game, Brad threw down a rocket launcher, and Chris destroyed the Tyrant.
Chris, Jill and Rebecca boarded the chopper and escaped the Mansion. Barry also managed to escape, either being already in the chopper or escaping via other means. The mansion then exploded, taking any remaining monsters and evidence with it.
After their ordeal, Chris, along with Jill and Rebecca were treated at the Raccoon General Hospital,[4] where doctors confirmed he had sustained no permanent injuries.[5]


After recovering from their wounds, the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members made a number of attempts to report Umbrella to the authorities, but all attempts failed due to the corporation's bribing of the Raccoon City Police Department's chief Brian Irons. While the public were disturbed by the events, they continued to purchase Umbrella's products. Eventually, due to the threat of exposure, Irons had the S.T.A.R.S. team disbanded before they discovered too much, and replaced with a more standard S.W.A.T.
Chris decided to dig up some information on Irons secretly, and requested that the Federal Bureau of Investigation carry out an investigation into the Raccoon City Police Department and Irons himself. To cover his tracks and keep Irons from suspecting anything, Chris displayed extensive aggressiveness, once punching fellow officer Elrand in the face for spilling coffee on him by accident. Jill, unaware of Chris's intentions, tried to stop him but he simply winked at her then walked away. He was later suspended for "vacation".
Chris began investigating Umbrella alone, telling nobody, not even Jill. When he finally did tell her after inviting her to his apartment and showed her reports on the G-virus, she was determined not to let Chris fight Umbrella on his own, and called Barry for extra backup. The three of them set out to uncover as much info on Umbrella as they could, but Chris knew that their best bet was to travel to Umbrella's main headquarters, in Europe. Jill agreed that she will continue trying to find more information in Raccoon City before joining Chris, and Barry promised to follow after getting his family to safety. Chris opted against telling his sister anything to avoid putting her in harms way, but this decision had the opposite effect.
Claire, during the Raccoon City Destruction Incident would find the fax reply to Chris's requested investigation of Irons. She had come looking for her brother whose last known whereabouts were in Raccoon City. The fax would reveal that, although they tried to find incriminating evidence regarding the G-virus, no evidence confirmed its existence. However, they did find that chief Irons was hiding a dark past and may or may not be taking bribes. Claire determined that Umbrella had a facility in Paris, and believed Chris may have gone there. Claire indeed traveled to the Paris facility, but found that it was not Chris' destination. She was discovered snooping around, and after almost destroying their own base trying to catch her, Umbrella caught and sent her to Rockfort Island, an isolated prison run by Umbrella.

Rockfort Island and Antarctica

Chris in Code: Veronica

"Yeah! It's payback time. We've gotta destroy Umbrella. Now, let's finish this once and for all!"

While in Europe investigating Umbrella's activities, Chris' own activities made him a wanted target for Umbrella.
This is what helped Leon S. Kennedy in tracking him down. Leon, a friend of Claire's after they cooperated to escape Raccoon City, was e-mailed by Claire asking him to find Chris. He passed on Claire's message for help, prompting Chris to abandon his mission and head to Rockfort Island.
Arriving at Rockfort Island, Chris infiltrated undetected by climbing the outer walls. He met Rodrigo Juan Raval, who told Chris about Claire's presence on the island. Rodrigo was soon attacked and swallowed by the Gulp Worm, a large worm creature. Chris fought and killed the monster, which spat Rodrigo back out. Before he died, Rodrigo gave Chris a lighter, which Claire had given him in gratitude for releasing her and told Chris that Claire may already have left Rockfort Island.
While searching the island, Chris found the answers that he had originally been looking for when he had come to Europe. What he hadn't anticipated however was the return of his former captain. Albert Wesker had mysteriously survived their encounter in the Arklay mountains during the Mansion Incident several months ago and now carried a strong vendetta against Chris.
They had a brief scuffle, in which Wesker easily overpowered Chris using his inhuman strength, Wesker revealed to Chris that Claire was in Antarctica, at another secret Umbrella research base.
After following Claire to the Antarctic base, he found her unconscious in a replica of Spencer's Mansion. Wesker himself traveled to the base in pursuit of Alexia Ashford, who possessed the last remaining sample of the t-Veronica virus. Chris and Claire's reunion was brief, as they were separated when Claire departed to find fellow prisoner, Steve Burnside, who she had been cooperating with.
Chris watched Wesker and a mutated Alexia fight after he demanded she hand over the Veronica virus, but was forced to deal with her himself when Wesker fled the scene. Chris brought her down temporarily.
After Steve's death, Chris activated the self-destruct system of the base and met his sister once again. They attempted to escape, but Alexia reappeared and tries to stop them. Chris and Claire activated a special weapon, known as the Linear Launcher, but the weapon needed time to charge. Chris told Claire to wait for him at the Harrier jet while he dealt with Alexia. Claire reluctantly agreed, but Alexia tried to attack her. Chris shot Alexia. Then, her body reacted with a gruesome mutation. Claire ran away, and Chris battled Alexia. During the fight, Alexia left her cocoon body and began to fly. The Linear Launcher finally recharged and, with only one shot, Chris was able to finish her off.
When the base began to crumble, Chris chased after Wesker, who had taken Claire hostage. After some talk, Wesker released Claire, claiming that it was Chris he wanted, and that killing him was better than completing his mission of acquiring the t-Veronica virus. Chris ordered Claire to wait at the jet. Chris and Wesker then engaged in combat, and Chris was beaten up by Wesker, who proclaimed that his new superhuman abilities were well worth not being human any more.
Chris utilized some hanging girders which fell on Wesker. The fight was eventually interrupted by the imminent destruction of the facility. Wesker promised that the next time they met, it would be the last. Chris left for the jet. With the base literally exploding behind him, he emerged from the elevator and was blown across the room, landing on the nose of the jet. Chris piloted the jet and escaped the facility as it self-destructed. Claire asked him to promise he won't go off and leave her alone again, but Chris said that he had to put a stop to Umbrella for good.
After this incident, Chris is reunited with Jill, who had previously escaped Raccoon City with Barry Burton. She had arrived at Chris' ransacked apartment and found only his knife on the floor. Jill set off to find Chris, who also took action to find her. Together they joined an anti-Umbrella and bio-weapon task-force. They designated themselves partners, working only with each other, and for the next five years, they did everything they could to try and expose Umbrella, but always wound up at a dead end.

The End of Umbrella

REUC Chris Redfield.jpg
Chris in Umbrella Chronicles

"The nightmare ends, here and now!"

Five years later, in 2003, Chris, and Jill had by now focused their lives on exposing and destroying Umbrella. He and Jill were dropped off at a Russian Umbrella Facility, believed to be housing a new B.O.W.. They carried out a full-scale assault on the facility, destroying any of Umbrella's old Bio-Weapons encountered, and skillfully avoiding traps.
Eventually, they were confronted with a new experimental Bio-Weapon, codenamed t-A.L.O.S. Sergei Vladimir revealed himself to be the creator, and sealed Chris and Jill inside the t-A.L.O.S. containment room and activated the monster. Sergei taunted them, announcing that as fellow soldiers, Chris and Jill know the feeling of being alive in battle, before revealing T-A.L.O.S. as if to say no amount of battle experience is enough to defeat this new B.O.W..
Having no choice but to fight, Chris and Jill were successfully able to defeat t-A.L.O.S., finally ending Umbrella once and for all. After escaping the facility, Chris and Jill still lamented that Wesker was still out there. Though their troubles with Umbrella were over, it would only be a matter of time before they would be dealing with Wesker again. Unknown to them, Wesker had actually infiltrated the same facility in order to take out Sergei Vladimir.
After the collapse of Umbrella, rivals and terrorist groups managed to get their hands on Umbrella's projects. Chris and Jill both helped co-found the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), dedicating to stopping the creation and usage of bio-weapons. There, they appointed themselves partners, and aside from locating Wesker, Chris and Jill traveled the world together on missions to reduce the growing number of bio-weapons, ranging from stopping bio-weapons in Asia to destroying bio-weapon labs in South America to arresting smugglers in Europe.

Il Veltro Conspiracy

Redfield in 2005

"We'll find you, Jill... I promise..."

In 2005, a year after the infamous bioterrorist attack known as the Terragrigia Panic, the BSAA was informed about the resurrection of "Il Veltro", the bioterrorist organization that destroyed the aquapolis. In order to investigate this rumor, BSAA director Clive R. O'Brian sent Chris and his new partner, Jessica Sherawat, to a mountain range in Valkoinen Mökki, Finland, where Veltro's hideout was rumoured to be located. Once in the area, however, Jessica and Chris suddenly lost contact with the BSAA headquarters, forcing the two to proceed with the mission without radio support.
In the meantime, Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani launched a rescue mission to the Mediterranean Sea to locate them. According with the last known coordinates issued by terminals, Jill and Parker learned that Chris and Jessica were somewhere in the ocean, possibly aboard on a ship. This leads Parker and Jill to an investigation on Queen Zenobia.
Arriving in the peak of the mountain, Chris and Jessica witnessed a terrible accident involving a cargo plane that crashed nearby. Searching the crash site, they found traces of a virus along with the mauled corpse of the pilot, who was suspected to be a Veltro operative. Following a path, Chris and Jessica rushed through an mining area, a shortcut to the hideout. While in the caves, they were attacked by several mutant wolves infected with the t-Abyss virus, then still unknown. During the combat, Chris was injured in the leg, but was able to defeat the wolf pack of Fenrir with assistance from Jessica who helped him up. By the end of the caves, Chris and Jessica finally discover an air base used by Il Veltro as a hideout. Soon after this, O'Brian finally managed to contact his agents after the communication problem, being informed that the Il Veltro's is active once again. Chris and Jessica also receives bad news: Jill and Parker has gone missing during the last operation to find them. Based on the Veltro's resurrection, it was possible that Parker and Jill were captured by these terrorists. Immediately, Chris and Jessica returned to headquarters, taking a chopper and setting another mission to find the Veltro's ghost ship. However, there was no further information about the cruise current location.
Under Chris' suggestion, O'Brian sends operatives Keith Lumley and Quint Cetcham back to Valkoinen Mökki airport in order to find any data that should give the BSAA the exact coordinates of Queen Zenobia. This mission was accomplished, allowing Chris and Jessica to locate the cruise. Landing on the ship's deck, Chris and Jessica begins the search for their lost comrades, encountering hordes of mutants. However, they soon realize that this ship is actually the Queen Semiramis, a carbon-copy of Queen Zenobia. Revealing this mistake to O'Brian, Chris get the actual location of Queen Zenobia. While approaching the Queen Zenobia in a boat, Chris and Jessica are attacked by an unknown sea monster, but they manage to frighten him off and ensure their entrance on the ship. Parker and Jill are finally encountered in the ship's Casino, where Jessica shoot a unarmed Veltro agent, much to Chris' surprise. The terrorist is killed, being revealed that he was in fact Raymond Vester, an FBC operative. After this, Chris partnered up with Jill again, heading to the ship's lab in order to stop the t-Abyss virus before this contaminate the sea, while Parker and Jessica searches for a way to delay the Queen Zenobia sinking.
Once in the labs, Chris and Jill managed to neutralize the t-Abyss virus once and for all, while they actions are monitored by Morgan Lansdale, the mastermind behind the Terragrigia Panic. While escaping the sinking ship, Jill and Chris found a wounded Parker (shot in the leg by Jessica, Morgan's mole). However, they where unable to save him on time, although Parker managed to survive. Outside of the Queen Zenobia, they are attacked by a giant B.O.W. but they manage to destroy it with the help of Kirk Mathison.
However, the mission was not over yet. Director O'Brian come clean with Jill and Chris, telling all about the Veltro conspiracy orchestrated by himself. Also, he confirms the existence of a third ship: The Queen Dido. In order to retrieve a video that contain the proof of Morgan evil doing, Chris and Jill read for the Dido's remains on the Terragrigia ruins, discovering that Jack Norman is still alive inside the wreckage. Filled with vengeance against Morgan, Norman injected himself with the t-Abyss, becoming the powerful "Ultimate Abyss". During the fight, Chris and Jill are able to destroy the creature, retrieving Jack's PDA and revealing the truth about Terragrigia, causing Morgan's arrest and the decline of FBC.

Spencer Estate Investigation

Chris in his old BSAA outfit when he and Jill infiltrated the Spencer estate.

"A few years ago, the BSAA received intel to the whereabouts of Umbrella's founder, Ozwell E. Spencer. Jill and I were ordered by the BSAA's European Headquarters to apprehend him. We accepted that mission in hopes of uncovering some info that would lead us to Wesker."

In 2006, Chris and Jill received a tip off from a reliable source detailing former Umbrella founder Oswell E. Spencer's location, and the pair intended to raid his hideout and arrest him for questioning.
Entering the estate, it was not long before they discovered the bodies of Spencer's bodyguards, who had already been brutally killed through "unconventional means". Both of them had to survive and endure numerous puzzles and traps built on the estate, whilst fighting off the multiple Guardians of Insanity which relentlessly pursued them throughout their mission. Whilst proceeding through the estate's gardens, they fell through an old bridge and landed in the sewers below, losing most of their equipment in the process. Defenseless, the agents relied solely on their wits to outsmart and eliminate the remaining Guardians of Insanity before making their escape from the sewer. When they arrived at the last hallway in the estate, they discovered more of his bodyguards horrifically murdered outside the entrance. When they opened the last door where Spencer could be hiding, they were greeted by Wesker, who had just killed Spencer a few minutes before they came in. A brief battle soon followed. Although the two put up a fight, both Chris and Jill were easily beaten by Wesker's super-human powers, and just as Wesker was about to deal the blow that would end Chris' life, Jill launched herself at Wesker, hurling the pair through the nearby window and into the chasm beyond the cliff the mansion was built upon. Chris could do nothing as he watched his partner fall to her death.
The BSAA conducted a three month search for Jill's body, with no success. As a result, Jill Valentine was officially declared dead in the line of duty. For the next 3 years, Chris refused to believe that Jill had died, and put himself into every mission available, with the hope of finding some kind of lead to Jill's whereabouts.

Kijuju Incident

"More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it. "

Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 5
Three years later, in 2009, Chris Redfield became possibly the most active and respected member of the BSAA, across all branches. He had participated in more missions than anyone else, and was responsible for their success. In March, during one of his investigations, Chris discovers an upcoming plan of a bioweapons deal, that occur in KAZ (Kijuju Autonomous Zone, or simply Kijuju), Africa. Chris was sent to Kijuju to arrest a Bio weapon dealer named Ricardo Irving. With the help of fellow BSAA member and new partner Sheva Alomar. Chris and Sheva arrived in the butcher shop and received the mission coordinates, equipments and weapons from Reynard Fisher. They soon discovered that Kijuju was suffering from new and more advanced forms of Plaga, and were forced to take down hordes of vicious "Majini". In Kijuju's Public Assembly, Fisher is beheaded by the Executioner Majini, and a large number of Majini attempts to ambush Chris and Sheva. Fortunately, Kirk Mathison, the air-support, finds a way to put an end in the battle. They receive a radio call of Alpha Team being attacked by an unknown creature. They encountered a new type of B.O.W. that was responsible for the deaths of BSAA Alpha Team members. Not long afterwards, Kirk Mathison's helicopter crashes due to an attack from Kipepeo. When Chris arrives in the crash site, he and his partner fall into a trap of the Majinis. With the aid of other BSAA members such as Josh Stone and Dave Johnson they were able to survive through a variety of horrific dangers eventually coming into contact with Irving who evaded them with his partner, a mysterious cloaked woman. It was soon after that Chris came upon a file depicting a blonde girl who he recognized as being his old friend and partner, Jill Valentine. Irving is located by Chris and Sheva in the mining area of Kijuju, but a cloaked person manages to help him to escape. Chris checks the files that Irving left behind, leading them to an oil refinery, where Irving was hidden. Soon after, Irving release two types of B.O.W.s to destroy Chris and Sheva: Popokarimu and Ndesu. After destroying the monsters and passing through the Marshlands, Chris and Sheva teamed up with Captain Stone to chase Irving in the oil refinery.
Irving tries to kill Chris, Sheva and Josh by blowing the oil refinery, but the BSAA agents manages to escape and confront Irving. In an ultimate effort to destroy Chris and Sheva, Irving inject himself with a sample containing the Dominant-strain Plaga, who mutates Irving into a large Kraken like creature. Chris and Sheva are able to destroy the monster. Before his death, Irving told Chris that all answers he is looking for will be in the caves.
With Irving eventually taken down, Chris told Sheva that he only got involved in the mission so he could find Jill, who he suspected was still alive. Although surprised, Sheva vows to stick with Chris to the end. The duo discover a large area full of capsules used to store test subjects. Chris rushes to a monitor and searches for Jill. As the platform they stood on raises to Jill's capsule, Chris and Sheva are attacked by a large creature known as U-8. This promptly stops the platform, forcing Chris and Sheva to fight back.
After its defeat, both are greeted to an empty capsule, and Excella Gionne via the monitor, who denies any knowledge of Jill. Sheva recognizes Excella as one of TRICELL's co-founders, and tells Chris she is lying. Later, they meet Excella again in a lab, where they came across a test subject, who then mutates into Uroboros Mkono. After defeating the monstrosity that resulted, they eventually tracked down Excella, who was accompanied by Albert Wesker, and a mysterious cloaked female acquaintance. Chris demanded to know the whereabouts of Jill, and is stunned when Wesker removed the hood of his mysterious helper, who was none other than Jill herself. Despite Chris' attempts to bring her back to realization, he and Sheva are attacked and overwhelmed by her.
As Wesker prepares to leave, Chris managed to get through to Jill. Wesker, although surprised, activates a device that causes her extreme pain, and leaves Chris to watch her suffer. Sheva spotted a device on Jill's chest and helped Chris in forcefully removing it.
After Jill collapses, Chris rushes over to her and is relieved to find that she is alive and back to her senses. She apologizes for her actions and urges Chris to continue and stop Wesker before he can finish his preparations. Chris initially refuses, more concerned on getting Jill to safety. Jill grabs him and tells him that he is the only one capable of stopping Wesker. Chris backs into the elevator, and Jill tells Sheva to look out for him.
The pair find Excella, and she runs off in a panic, dropping a vial of something which Sheva keeps after Chris explains that it may be important if Excella wanted to guard it so badly. Later it soon becomes clear that Wesker has no loyalty to Excella when she is revealed to have been injected with the Uroboros virus, which consumes her. It attacks the two, though they are eventually able to defeat it, turning their sights to Wesker. It is then that Chris receives a call from Jill who explains that Wesker needs to inject himself with a serum to keep the virus inside of him stable, but overdosing it would weaken him. It is then that the two find out the vial Excella had dropped is the serum they need to inject Wesker with. After a very one sided battle with him, Chris and Sheva manage to take control briefly and inject the serum into Wesker's chest, causing him to flee onto his airship with Chris and Sheva in hot pursuit. They manage to take advantage of his weakness and send him flying out of the cargo room but their advantage decreases when he grabs Sheva's leg in an attempt to take them down with him. Chris watches, images of Jill rush through his mind as he remembers how he thought he had lost her trying to kill Wesker. He jumps to grab Sheva as she loses her grip, with Wesker determined to take both of them, but Sheva shoots him in the face and he is sucked from the plane. Crashing in a volcano, Chris and Sheva are shocked to find Wesker alive and angry. Puncturing a container of Uroboros, Wesker begins to mutate with it and attacks Chris and Sheva. They retreat, but the rocks they cross over break and they are separated. Sheva shouts to Chris to get higher so she can attack Wesker, who turns his attention towards her. Stranded, she shouted for help and Chris was forced to push a huge boulder out of the way so Sheva could join him. Wesker follows but Chris and Sheva are able to overpower him, and as Wesker stands injured, the ground beneath him begins to break and he slips into the lava. Jill and Josh arrive in a helicopter just in time to witness the scene and Jill throws down a rope ladder. Chris grabs it and Sheva starts to climb, but as Chris goes for it, the ground beneath him also breaks. He stumbles, and jumps for the ladder, catching it one handed. Sheva and Chris are helped into the helicopter only for Wesker to emerge from the lava and catch one of his tentacles onto the helicopter skids. Jill points to the two RPG-7's that were in the chopper. Chris and Sheva both take aim and fire, and Wesker is finally killed.[6]
In the aftermath, Chris finally realized what he had been fighting for, and though he felt he had accomplished all that he had set out to do, he knew that it was only a matter of time before someone like Wesker showed up again. For this reason, Chris decided to go back to working in a team and pass on his knowledge and skills to a new generation for when that day finally came along.[7]

Edonian Civil War

"Finn... Hang in there. No, goddamn it!"

On December 24, 2012, Chris (now ranked as a Special Operations Unit Captain), his new partner Piers Nivans, and a group consisting of Ben Airhart, Carl Alfonso, Finn Macauley, and Andy Walker were dispatched into the Eastern European state of Edonia, where new B.O.W. species known as J'avo had been granted to the rebels in the midst of a civil war. After discussing their plan of attack, Chris provided words of encouragement to Finn, the rookie of the group, before moving out.
Chris Edonia
Chris during the Edonian Civil War
However, as they approach the point Two of Hearts, Chris and his team were ambushed by a troop of heavily armed J'avos, having their Armored Personnel Carries destroyed in the process. The situation gets even worse when a massive Ogroman is suddenly released in the battlefield. As Chris and Piers faces the infected, Finn manages to use the remaining APC firepower to injure the giant creature, forcing it to flee.
After the conflict, Chris leads his team to Edonia City Hall. Alpha Team is forced to another battle as an injured BSAA member is found in the middle of the bridge that connects Two of Hearts section to City Hall's. Redfield proceeds to rescue his fellow soldier, as Piers provides cover fire. With Finn's help, Chris manages to rescue the injured soldier. Having crossed the bridge with the Alphas, Chris orders Finn to blow up the construction in order to stop the incoming group of J'avos. 
Eventually, Chris and his squad came across D.S.O. operative Sherry Birkin, whom Chris recognized from Claire's stories, and mercenary Jake Muller, who Sherry was tasked with protecting. Introductions, however, were cut short when the group were attacked by a duo of Ogromen (one is dispached by a helicopter as the other from the Two of Hearts section returns). Chris and his squad teamed up with Jake and Sherry to defeat the creatures, and brought in a helicopter to take Jake and Sherry to their destination. Before they departed, Chris, believing that Jake looked familiar, asked if they had met, but Jake responded in the negative.
Making it to City Hall, the group encountered numerous Chrysalids and eventually a woman in a blue dress claiming to be Ada Wong, who told them that the B.O.W.s, including the J'avo, were created by the C-Virus and that an organization calling themselves Neo Umbrella were the ones that supplied the virus to the rebels. Though suspicious of her, Chris agreed to escort her out of the building, only to fall into a trap; "Ada" cut Chris and Piers off from the rest of the group and trapped the other four in a cage before launching a Needle Bomb that infected Andy, Carl, Ben, and Finn with the C-Virus.
Chris and Piers could only look on helplessly as their squadmates mutated into Chrysalids and hatched into Napads, which proceeded to attack. Chris was beaten senseless by the Napad that was once Finn Macauley, and had to be dragged to safety by Piers. The duo was saved by BSAA support troops who killed their mutated comrades,[8] and an unconscious Chris was taken to a nearby hospital.


Upon regaining consciousness in the hospital, Chris suffered from post-traumatic amnesia, unable to remember who he was or what had occurred. However, wracked by an overwhelming and inexplicable guilt, Chris ran away from the hospital before anyone could come to check on him.
For the next six months, hoping to dull the pain, Chris became a moody and violent drunk, staying in a hotel and frequenting a bar in Eastern Europe, where the female bartender and patrons took to calling him "the stray dog" and gained a reputation as the bar's worst customer. Chris also made some money to fund his rent and bar tab by doing bodyguard work. All the while, Piers and the BSAA worked to track him down.[9]
In June of 2013, Chris, now a mere shadow of his former self, was finally tracked down by Piers at the bar he frequented. When asked to leave by the bartender he refused, another patron stepped in to help her, only for Chris to snap and physically attack the man, nearly hitting him with a beer bottle before Piers stepped in. After expressing his disgust at how far Chris had fallen, Piers forced Chris to confront his past by showing him images of their deceased comrades and the tragedy in Edonia, to little avail. However, when Chris recognized the BSAA logo on Piers' jacket, all of the bar's patrons revealed themselves to be BSAA operatives in disguise, while Piers told Chris that he belonged with him and they were taking him back to duty by any means necessary.

Lanshiang Incident

"A witness?! She's the one who did all this!"

RE6 Lanshiang Chris
Chris in Lanshiang.
Though still unable to recall the incident, Chris agreed to come back, and was quickly dispatched to Waiyip, in the Chinese province of Lanshiang, which was in the midst of another Neo Umbrella bioterror attack. The mission is to raid a building in the point Ace of Spades, where a few captured UN members have been held hostage by bioterrorists. Crossing the streets, Alpha Team immediately come into contact with J'avos, the same type of B.O.W. fought in Edonia. Approaching the Ace of Spades through the roofs, Chris and his squad manage to neutralize the incoming infected.
Once inside the building, the hostages were released. However, BSAA's HQ ordered an air strike to the area, as Chris and Piers barelly make it out alive. Upon seeing a cluster of Chrysalids, Chris finally recalled the Edonia incident, and, enraged, vowed to get revenge on "Ada" for the deaths of his men. On their way, a BSAA soldier is attacked by an invisible monster. Chris decided to chase the creature and put it down.
They soon encountered Jake and Sherry, who had gone missing since Edonia, and protected them from swarms of J'avo; however, when Piers suggested that they escort the two, Chris coldly reminded him of their mission and departed. Making their way through the slums of Waiyip's Poisawan district, they were attacked by the Iluzija, a massive snake B.O.W. with camouflage capabilities. The abomination brutally killed all of them, one by one, until only Piers, Marco Rose and Chris himself were left. With the assist of his fellow soldiers, Chris manages to fry the monster using the building electrical system. Unfortunately, "Ada" reappeared and shot Marco with a C-Virus-equipped dart before escaping. Marco rapidly mutated into a Gnezdo, forcing Chris and Piers to kill him.
Afterwards, when Chris expressed his frustration, Piers angrily told him that they could have prevented some of their squad's deaths if he hadn't been so focused on vengeance, and when he went so far as to accuse Chris of forgetting their mission and state that he felt sorry for "all the men who died believing in [him]," Chris snapped and they briefly came to blows, ending when Piers remarked that he was glad Finn wasn't around to see him like this. Nonetheless, they continued on.
Chris and Piers where later ambushed by a helicopter in Waiyip river, though they manage to destroy the armored vehicle. Seeing "Ada" enter a warehouse, Chris and Piers entered in pursuit of her, unaware that Leon S. Kennedy and Helena Harper were doing the same. Though they managed to corner her, Leon arrived just in time and prevented Chris from shooting her, resulting in a brief fight between the two before they drew their guns on each other.
Leon told Chris that "Ada" was a key witness and that they needed her alive, while Chris shouted that "Ada" was the actual mastermind behind everything, only to be told by Leon that the real culprit was none other than national security advisor Derek C. Simmons. Though Chris told Leon that he lost all of his men because of "Ada," Leon replied that he lost over 70,000 people, including President Adam Benford, because of Simmons, and made it clear that he planned on defending "Ada" despite full knowledge of her allegiance to Neo Umbrella.
In the midst of the confrontation, "Ada" used a Flash Grenade to escape from the four. Chris and Piers began to pursue her, but Leon stopped Chris and told him that they both want the same thing. Finally snapping out of his revenge-fueled rampage, Chris resolved to stop "Ada" in the name of justice rather than vengeance, leaving it up to Leon and Helena to take care of Simmons.
Chris and Piers pursued "Ada" to the docks in a turret-equipped Jeep, managing to get on her freighter and corner her on the bridge, where "Ada" revealed her master plan: to spread the C-Virus all over the world and recreate the Raccoon City Incident on a global scale. However, just as she told them this, one of Simmons' henchmen arrived in a helicopter and promptly shot her in the chest, causing her to fall over the railing to her death. However, she left behind her suitcase, which contained a syringe full of an enhanced strain of the C-Virus.
Chris and Piers subsequently learned that a nearby ship was equipped with airburst missiles filled with the C-Virus in gas form, aimed right at the mainland. Hijacking a jet, they attacked the freighter, but were ultimately unable to stop the missile launch, which quickly turned most of the city of Tatchi's population into zombies. Afterwards, Chris was contacted by Leon, who requested that he save Jake and Sherry from their imprisonment in Neo Umbrella's underwater facility. During this conversation, Chris was shocked to discover that not only did Jake possess antibodies to the C-Virus, he was Albert Wesker's illegitimate son.
Making their way to the facility, Chris decided to retire from active duty after they rescued Jake and Sherry and pass his position on to Piers. When they met up with them, Chris revealed that he was the one who killed Jake's father, leading to a tense moment in which Jake held him at gunpoint. Chris admitted that he had every right to shoot him, but Jake managed to stop himself, telling Chris that there were more important things at stake than the two of them.
On their way out, however, the ultimate B.O.W. Haos which was meant to spread the C-Virus all over the world as Carla intended, hatched from its cocoon and attacked. As Jake and Sherry made their escape, Chris and Piers remained behind to destroy Haos. During the fight, Haos severely damaged the facility and managed to grabbed hold of Chris, while Piers suffered a severe injury that crippled his right arm. With no other way to save Chris, Piers deliberately injected himself with the C-Virus strain they had previously procured, gaining the ability to shoot electrical blasts, now fully regenerated, Haos broke out of its chrysalid and attacked the two agents. However, its decreased size and vulnerability made Piers to shoot electrical attacks that enabled Chris to equip his combat knife and attack its vulnerable organs which badly damaged the creature. It made a final attempt to kill Piers but Chris was able to rescue him and the two of them destroyed the B.O.W.s remaining organ, supposedly killing it.
Though Chris repeatedly reassured Piers that he would be all right and they would get out of there as they made their way to the escape pods, Piers, realizing that he would eventually lose control and mutate completely, deliberately shut Chris into an escape pod alone and launched him out, remaining behind to die with the facility.
However, Haos had recovered and attacked Chris' escape pod in the water, only to be electrocuted and finally destroyed by an electrical blast from Piers' transformed arm just before the facility exploded. The following morning, Chris was rescued by the BSAA.


"All right. Better get to it, then."

Chris heading to his next mission
After the Lanshiang attacks, Chris is seen once again in the same European bar he used to attend. This time, however, he is not the same problematic patron from before, as Chris appeared to have overcome his drinking problems. As Chris is having a meal, a BSAA soldier come to visit him, informing that a new mission has been set in motion. Without hesitation, Captain Chris, decided to remain with the BSAA in honor of Piers' memory, followed his soldier to lead BSAA's next operation.

Personality and Relationships

Chris is close to his friends and family, specifically with his younger sister Claire and his partner Jill Valentine, whom he would both willingly give his life to protect. He also establishes bonds with the people he works with or their respect (Rebecca and Wesker for example) or admiration. He cares greatly for the life of innocents, something that caused him to argue with his superiors in the military.
Chris has a long-standing friendship with Barry Burton, who was an old friend of Chris' family. Barry was the one who recruited him for the Special Tactics And Rescue Service after Chris left the Air Force and began drifting.
Serving as Point Man in S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, Chris earned the trust of his comrades. In particular, Chris developed a close friendship with Jill Valentine, the only female member of S.T.A.R.S. at the time. Forest Speyer, the sharpshooter of the Bravo Team, was once a great friend (and rival) of Chris, until the Mansion Incident, where Forest was brutally killed and turned into a zombie.
After the Mansion Incident, Chris became obsessed with the Umbrella Corporation, seeking information to bring the company down and avenge the deaths of his friends. Later, Chris and Jill formed a deadly alliance to fight Umbrella together, the BSAA
Formerly, during his activity in S.T.A.R.S., Chris exhibited a great respect for the team's leader, Albert Wesker, who also considered Chris as his best team member. However, since Chris ruined, or at least delayed Wesker's plans at the mansion, a powerful grudge formed between them. Their confrontations thereafter were always intense and violent.
However, during the Il Veltro incident, Chris was shown as a generic typical "soldier", focusing only on the mission and ignoring all of Jessica, his partner's advances. When asked by her whether he trusted her or not, he remarked "Trust is measured by actions not words" which Jessica replies "That's so like you Chris. Its always about the job isn't it?" He also has a level of professionalism; he never once berated Jessica for her flirting and just focused on the mission. However, when Jill was in danger, he quickly switched focus completely onto rescuing her.
During a BSAA mission to capture Oswell E. Spencer, Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris from Wesker, while he could do nothing to protect Jill. Jill's perceived death was a very serious blow to Chris personally. Ever since that encounter, he became distant and cold-hearted. It also psychologically scarred him such as when Wesker opened the bomber door and Sheva was almost pulled out to her death, he had a flashback to Jill's death and how he was unable to do anything and almost didn't grab Sheva's hand to save her.
In RE5 proper, Chris is initially shows a cold acceptance towards most of the grisly circumstances presented in the mission and shows little concern for its location or who he'll be working with. Immediately after meeting Sheva, she asks him if he'd "rather be in America than in a place like this". Chris dismisses the notion, noting that America "has its own dark side". She notes his lack of patriotism, and Chris merely states that he's a realist, noting that America is "a capitalist society" and that "not everyone is cut out for that kind of pressure". He considers that there are opportunities to be had, but as far as he sees it, "at a price". "If you gain, someone else loses," He concludes. When Sheva says that he doesn't sound like any American that she's ever met, he points out that the great thing about Americans is that "we're all different".
Following the battle with the first Uroboros B.O.W. he and Sheva encountered, Chris comments that if they had arrived sooner to assist DeChant and the rest of Delta Team, they would most likely be dead as well. A substantial part of his driving force during this time is seeking out Jill after he receives intel. that she may still be alive. Sheva has doubts about his "personal stake" in the mission, but later appreciates how much he cares for his old partner. With this, Sheva developed a close bond to Chris, decided to stay fighting alongside him in order to help him save Jill and take down Wesker.
In episode one of the Resident Evil 5 viral campaign, entitled 'Ceremony', Chris is receiving an award for his courageous performance in Kijuju. However, he is hindered from delivering his speech by a sudden onset of violent memories from his mission. This could be taken as an indicator of post-traumatic stress disorder, which could possibly plague Chris after the events of Resident Evil 5.
Chris' reactions to the various threats he's faced vary over the years change with his experience. During his initial encounters with zombies and B.O.W.s in the Spencer Mansion, he was angered that it was all set up by Wesker (though in truth, the outbreak was caused by James Marcus; Wesker simply took advantage of the situation). Following the events at Rockfort Island and the Antarctic Facility, Chris begins to categorize people like Albert Wesker into simple criminal personalities, refusing to acknowledge their views and immediately dismissing them as evil. This is most apparent during his first encounter with Sergei Vladimir, where he refers to him as "another Umbrella psycho", despite the latter's various machinations since before the Mansion incident. Chris then views Wesker's world plan in Kijuju with the same disdain. After he and Sheva board Wesker's stealth bomber, he is even sarcastic about the serious implications of Wesker's ambitions, going so far as to mock Wesker for taking his plans from "comic book villains" and dismissing him as "just another of Umbrella's leftovers."
By the time Wesker is killed, Chris is confident that living in a world without fear is worth fighting for, and the cause of combating bioterrorism exceeds all personal costs.
During the events of Resident Evil 6 Chris shows deep concern for his comrades and men. He is very quick to assure rookie BSAA operative, Finn Macauley, that his teammates have his back and that "No one gets left behind." He shows anger when his men die in the line of duty. This was farther shown when Leon confronts him and prevents him from the woman in the blue dress, angrily stating "I lost all my men because of her!".
Although during the events in Lanshiang. Chris' focus was primarily on catching Carla to the extent that he let many of his squad members die in his pursuit of vengeance. This was rectified when Piers confronted Chris about his vendetta. Due to the many years of battles against Umbrella's legacy, Chris revealed to his partner his intention to retire from duty, stating that he "cannot let this war follow him". Jake's rescue was supposed to be Chris' last mission under BSAA, being Piers his best choice to replace.
When confronting Jake Muller for the first time, he notes something familiar about him, noting the features from Albert Wesker. Months later when saving him, he learned that Jake is Wesker's son and allows Jake to fire at him for killing his father, though he misses on purpose stating that there are more important things at stake. When asked why he revealed this to Jake, Chris states that he has every right to know what happened to his father, no matter what grudge he has against Wesker.
Being the only surviving member of his team by the conclusion of the Lanshiang Incident, Chris, although still shocked by the deaths of his soldiers, decided to continue his journey against the bioterrorism to honor his fallen comrades.

Skills and Abilities

Chris is proficient with many types of weapons, particularly handguns, shotguns and sniper rifles. He is an expert marksman and once the S.T.A.R.S. top sharpshooter who won a shooting tournament, being the victor over Forest Speyer. His accuracy, precision and focus is fantastic, enabling him to hit long distance targets accurately. Chris' excepcional shooting stance grants him a fully control over his weapons recoil, being able to retarging immediately after every shot. Chris even shows this ability while dealing with heavy weapons (such as the Remington Model 1100, a weapon known for its recoil powerful enough to knock a person back).
In addition to his weaponry skills Chris is very tough as an unarmed combatant. Chris was proficiently trained in several fighting techniques such as Close Quarters Combat (CQC). He is also an experienced knife fighter. In Resident Evil 5 he has put himself through rigorous physical training to increase his muscle mass, making him incredibly strong and resistant. He is capable of sending lesser enemies flying, and able to bring the largest to their knees with a single punch.
Chris is seen facing Albert Wesker in hand-to-hand numerous times. Though Chris had no chance in beating Wesker in the past, due to his superhuman abilities, Chris managed to beat Wesker in Resident Evil 5 due to his extensive physical training. At some point in RE5 Chris tackled Wesker which knocked him back a foot. Chris strength was such that he was able to punch a boulder into submission several times his size (and weight) into lava during the final fight with Wesker. In RE6, Chris is capable to press lift enemies such as J'avos in order to throw them away. He can also use his bare hands to rip enemies apart or brutally impale them with their own severed tentacles. Compared to Leon's unarmed fighting style, Chris is a rougher fighter whose moves are often brawler-like (although he was already seen combining punches with many types of kicks as well).
While fighting Wesker, Chris also displays great feats of stamina, endurance and recovery abilities, as he is seen taking some of Wesker's most powerful hits without falling unconscious, immediately getting up to hold the fight to the end. In Resident Evil 6, Chris is brutally bludgeoned by a vicious Napad. Having sustained a series of blows to his chest, Chris survived with no major physical injury. This event, however, resulted in an induced amnesia due to Chris having his head bashed against the ground.
Chris is also very fast and agile, which is surprising considering his size, Sheva even comments on this in Resident Evil 5. Additionally, his rapid reflex reactions allows Chris to immediately respond to any incoming attack. He occasionally also shows some acrobactic feats. During a raid on Umbrella's base in Russia in Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles, he was caught in a trap which activate a series of laser beams in a small corridor. Chris managed to performing a backflip to dodge and avoid being cut to pieces. While facing Wesker, Chris was shown to be able to move quickly to evade his deadly attacks and even performing a side roll to avoid being shot.
In order to insure Claire's safety, Chris trained his young sister in combat techniques like using knives and firearms, and unarmed combat. Though Claire never really wanted to become a fighter, she has managed to survive the infamous Raccoon City Outbreak by using Chris' combat techniques.
Also Chris's service in the Airforce has made him an incredibly talented pilot. He was S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team's co-pilot. In Code Veronica he pilots a Harrier in high blizzard winds. Later during Resident Evil 6, Chris pilots a VTOL and uses it to destroy a Neo Umbrella aircraft carrier. Redfield is also an expert alpinist, as he was able to reach Rockfort Island by climbing its rocks despite the lack of a security gear. Chris may also have a certain understanding of mechanics; he is able to reactivate a missile and use it to blow down a bulkhead door during RE6. Like Piers, he also has a certain knowledge in hacking doors during Chapter 3 where both him and Piers are locked up in the prototype testing room.
Chris' skills and training always lead to him holding a high rank. He was chosen for S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, and he was chosen as a Special Operations Agent in the BSAA, later becoming a Special Operations Unit Captain.
Chris, despite his amnesia, was still a very capable fighter and retained most of his abilities from before the Edonia incident. Something which Piers comments on.



Raccoon City

"Hey! It's up to us to take out Umbrella!"

Leon burns with the strong desire to protect and serve, and life as a cadet was an eye-opening experience. At the age of 21, Leon was assigned to work for the Raccoon City Police Department after graduating from the police academy. He arrived at Raccoon City on September 29, 1998, a day later than he was scheduled to. Due to the events in Raccoon City, this would be his first and only day as a police officer.
On September 29, 1998, Leon arrived in Raccoon City for his assigned police department. Having overslept, the sun had long since set when he reached the city limits via a highway. Seemingly abandoned as a blockade by the U.S. military earlier, he was unaware of the t-Virus outbreak.

Leon on his first and only day as a police officer in Raccoon City.
Reaching the city's business district, Leon stopped his car to inspect a body on the ground. Being unaware of the outbreak, he was caught by surprise when several zombies (and the body he thought dead) tried to attack him. Escaping from the group, Leon stumbled onto another survivor named Claire Redfield, who had arrived to the city in search of her missing brother, Chris. Together, Leon and Claire decided to seek refuge within the R.P.D.'s headquarters, but before arriving there, they get separated when Leon's police car gets destroyed after a close encounter with a zombie inside the police cruiser he was driving. Both of them barely get out of the vehicle alive when a truck driven by an infected driver crashes into it.
During his probe of the R.P.D. precinct, Leon meets another survivor named Ada Wong, a woman who claimed she was looking for her missing boyfriend, John Clemens. They soon developed a bond, and Leon even took a bullet for her, fired by Annette Birkin. Leon and Ada managed to fight against most of the enemies, but soon, Ada is wounded by a mutated William Birkin's claw. During that time, Leon had found out from Annette Birkin that Ada was actually a spy, and only came to steal the G-Virus. However, Leon doesn't believe this until Ada tells him herself. Some time later, Ada saves Leon's life when he is cornered by T-00. She shoots the Tyrant on its back to get its attention, successfully doing so. She is then attacked, grabbed and raised up by the tyrant, in which she then retaliates with a series of gunshots to its face, making the tyrant fall into a lava pit. However, Ada was mortally wounded in the process. She then told Leon the truth about everything. Ada shortly falls unconscious, which Leon mistakes for death. However, at the near end, a mysterious figure (with Ada's voice and silhouette) helps Leon (or Claire) by giving them a rocket launcher to help them defeat the now mutated T-00. Leon is reunited with Claire, and the two (along with William and Annette Birkin's daughter, Sherry Birkin) make their escape through a secret railway and then escape via the train, leaving the mutated Birkin to be destroyed in the self-destruct sequence.


Following the Raccoon City incident, Claire and Leon split up, and she continued her search for Chris, while Leon continued to look after Sherry. Leon and Sherry were soon apprehended by the US military; Sherry was taken away and placed in protective custody while Leon was interrogated. Apparently, Leon never mentioned Claire or Ada, but the government were interested in recruiting him, since he now possessed the experience they were looking for; Leon accepted.
His subsequent training as a government agent turned him from a simple police rookie into an expert special agent. He became much more competent in terms of weapons handling and unarmed combat, specifically knife combat.
In November 1998, Leon sent a friend of his, detective Ark Thompson out to investigate Umbrella's facilities on Sheena Island.[6] The following month, Claire set out for Europe to continue her search for Chris. She was captured by Umbrella after being caught trespassing in the Umbrella facility in Paris. While on the island prison of Rockfort Island, Claire sent Leon an e-mail asking him to inform Chris of her location so that he could come and rescue her. Leon managed to track Chris down personally, and told him of Claire's situation, and Chris headed for Rockfort Island after her.[7]

Operation Javier

Leon clad in his Special Operations uniform during Operation Javier, 2002.

"The virus continues to grow... Altering its form, strengthening perpetually until the day comes when it can be destroyed."

In 2002, before the destruction of the Russian branch of Umbrella, Leon was sent to a small South American country as part of a secret military detachment after the headquarters were informed that a former researcher from Umbrella contacted a man named Javier Hidalgo. Due to the difficult nature of the operation, Jack Krauser, a seasoned operative with a history of brave service, was selected to be Leon's partner.
Krauser and Leon were sent on a mission by the U.S. government to infiltrate this small South American country. Finding Javier was their objective since he was a drug lord who has taken De-facto control over a large area of the jungle. He ruled the entire area absolutely. The small government was unable to do anything about Javier's control of the drug trade, so Krauser and Leon have been called in. The U.S. government had received information that a former Umbrella researcher had somehow entered the region. Sources indicated that something strange was going on, but no accurate information could be obtained. Unwilling to risk a Bio-hazardous outbreak, a secret military agency paired Leon and Krauser and sent them into this volatile region to determine what, if anything, was going on.
They later found themselves having to cooperate as a two-man cell in a t-Virus outbreak. Leon also met a mysterious girl called Manuela, who seemed to be the only survivor of the village, though it was unknown why she didn't escape. Manuela turned out to be Javier's daughter; she contracted a rare disease, and was kept alive by her father through the t-Veronica Virus. While exploring Javier's compound, Leon opened up to Krauser about his hellish night in Raccoon City, as well as Claire's encounter with the t-Veronica Virus to explain how Umbrella's B.O.W.s worked.
Eventually, Leon and Krauser fought Javier after the crime lord combined himself with a plant infected with the t-Veronica Virus. Manuela assisted them by unleashing the effects of the Virus on her father. Javier was killed, and Manuela was taken into government custody. Leon lost his partnership with Krauser after the latter is discharged from an injury during the mission. Sometime later that year, Leon learned that his former partner died in an accident.

Los Iluminados

"Guess that's a local's way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the President's missing daughter. " — Leon to a pair of Spanish police officers assigned to him.[8]

Leon 9
Leon in Spain, 2004.
In 2004, Leon was assigned to guard the newly elected President Graham's family. When the President's daughter Ashley was kidnapped, Leon's first mission under the new President was to track her down. Information gathered pointed to the kidnappers being located in a remote area of Europe. Leon was sent to investigate on his own, along with two members of the local police. Unfortunately, it seemed something bizarre happened to the local villagers, and after the two officers disappeared and later killed, Leon found himself relying on his survival skills in a deadly fight for his life.
Leon learned from Ingrid Hannigan, his only government, that the perpetrators were a group called "Los Iluminados" (Spanish, literally meaning "The Enlightened Ones", or more poetically, "The Illuminati"), a religious cult led by a man named Osmund Saddler. This cult used a mysterious parasitic organism known as "Plaga" (Spanish for "the plagues") to take control of the local townsfolk, as well as many others around the area, such as a group of Mercenaries. Although a seemingly hopeless situation, the fanatical cult found the formidable Leon to be more than they bargained for, as he foiled all of their attempts to kill him.
During the course of his mission, Leon is helped by Luis Sera, a man who was later revealed to be a researcher who used to work for Saddler, but betrayed him. Leon also once again has a chance encounter with Ada, who is also involved in this incident. She provides assistance to Leon, but has a fight of her own to battle out as well. Leon is also assisted by Hannigan, an information analyst and fellow government official via a communicator. As Leon progresses however, he finds the transmission hijacked by the cult, and he is forced to fend for himself.
Leon eventually finds Ashley in a church, and he becomes responsible for her safety, as the two make their way around Los Iluminados-controlled area. It is revealed however, that both Leon and Ashley have been injected with the Plagas and are now in a race against time to find a cure for this before they are forever turned into Saddler's slaves. Acquiring weapons from a mysterious Merchant, Leon manages to fight his way through many harrowing perils within the local village and a mysterious Castle run by the cult. He eventually fights against two of Saddler's underlings, village chief Bitores Mendez, and the Castle's castellan, Ramon Salazar. Leon also confronts his former comrade Jack Krauser, who was now working as a double agent for both a mystery party and Saddler. It is revealed that this mysterious third player in the conflict is none other than Albert Wesker, whom Ada is also working for. Unbeknownst to Leon, a secret battle is being waged behind the scenes, which is explored in Ada's unlockable scenario, "Separate Ways". Eventually, Ashley is abducted, and Leon must race against time to rescue her before her Plaga fully develops, not to mention his own. With continued support from Ada, Leon fights his way through a local military base, where Saddler and the cult have taken refuge. Fighting against both, a deadly enemy and the enemy within, this battle tests all of Leon's strengths and skills. Leon fights against Krauser for the last time, and eventually saves Ashley and himself after removing Plaga from within them by using a special radiation machine, developed by Luis late during his mission. Afterwards, Leon battles Saddler in his true form, and with Ada's help (who provides him with a special rocket launcher), is able to put an end to him and his plot.
After the battle, Ada takes the Plagas sample from Leon at gunpoint and makes her getaway, but gives Leon and Ashley a means to escape as well, via a jet-ski. Ashley invites Leon to her residence for "overtime", but Leon politely declines. Despite this turn of events, after completing his mission, he talks with Hannigan, who finally manages to re-establish contact. He compliments her on her appearance (she isn't wearing any glasses at this point) and lightly flirts with her by asking for her number, an advance she rejects, reminding him that he's "still on duty." Upon being left in the dust by a second woman, Leon can only reply with a disheartened look, "...Story of my life."
Sometime after the incident, Leon filed a report, known as the "Kennedy Report", explaining his experience on this mission, which would be read by other agents, including Chris Redfield.

Harvardville and WilPharma

"Shoot 'em in the head. " — Leon advising the SRT on how to handle the by-product of a t-Virus outbreak.

Leon as he appears during the Harvardville and WilPharma outbreaks.
In 2005, WilPharma's head of R&D released the t-Virus in a Harvardville Airport Terminal.[9] The building was locked down and the government sent in the Marines along with the Special Response Team to clear out the zombies.[9]
A 28 year old Leon was selected by the president to take charge of the S.R.T. team due to his experience with the t-Virus.[9] Under his leadership and advice, they learned how to effectively kill the zombies and rescued five survivors, including Claire Redfield.[9]
After saving them, Leon was involved in the fight with Curtis Miller, the Marines and Angela Miller at WilPharma.[9] He was able to save Angela and kill the G-Virus-infected Curtis Miller.[9] At the end, he, Claire and Angela exposed Frederic Downing for escaping Raccoon City with the "t" and G-Virus samples, the t-Virus incident at the airport, and setting a time bomb in the WilPharma building in order to secretly sell the last of the G-Virus data, t-Virus along with its vaccine, and the G-Virus.[9]
As the incident came to a close, Leon was called in for yet another mission.[9] He and Claire parted ways, with the hopes that they will meet each other again someday under far more "normal" circumstances.[9]

Eastern Slav Republic

"Well then, I guess my only option is to lose my American citizenship for a while."

Leon during his mission to the Eastern Slav Republic.
In 2011, Leon was pulled out of his furlough to be sent on a mission to the Eastern Slav Republic. The rumor was that B.O.W.s were being used in the war and U.S. government agents had been sent in to investigate. However, no sooner than he had arrived, Hannigan informed him that the U.S. was required to pull out and abort all missions in the area. Leon was not willing to leave until he found confirmation and proof of the rumors and denounced his orders, proceeding on without U.S. government support. After his bold move, Leon continued on to the rendezvous point where he encountered his CIA contact who went by the code name Scarecrow. Scarecrow was badly injured and Leon could barely get him to speak, aside from uttering the word "beekeeper." A Licker suddenly attacked and Leon narrowly managed to avoid the creature, though it then killed Scarecrow instead.
The Licker turned to attack Leon proceeded to a rendezvous point with an informant who had information regarding, who was using the rebels who were using the B.O.W.s. However upon arrival the informant was close to death and Leon was attacked by a Licker. It attacked Leon once more, but managed to fend it off and injure it with several shots to the torso. The creature fled and Leon gave chase, firing after the creature. However, Leon was led right into a trap where a bomb detonated, the explosion almost knocking him out. He maintained consciousness briefly, watching as the Licker toyed with him until it suddenly grew passive. An old man stepped forward, the last thing Leon saw before finally losing consciousness.
Leon came to in a basement, his gear taken and his hands tied, and saw the old man from earlier sitting in a corner of the room. The sound of soldiers searching the home above them caught his attention until someone from behind covered his mouth, holding a knife to his throat. As the man holding him threatened Leon to be quiet, Leon saw another man with blond hair beckoning for him to keep silent as well. The blond-haired man then briefly taunted Leon, showing off the vest he had stolen from him. After the soldiers leave, the two younger men began to question Leon about his motives and reasons for being in the Eastern Slav Republic. Leon responded only with sarcasm and jokes, however. During the course of his capture, Leon learned the blond-haired man - who greatly expressed his love of American food and movies - went by the name JD and his comrade was Buddy. Buddy and JD both acknowledged Leon's importance if he was sent here, Buddy pointing out that Leon showed clear experience in dealing with the Licker's. Leon immediately retorted that dealing in the B.O.W.s would get all of them killed.
Leon began to question the health of the old man, the Ataman Ivan Judanovich, who began coughing profusely. Though before anymore could be said of the issue, soldiers raided the basement room. Judanovich began to cough so violently that his sunglasses were thrown from his face. As the soldiers began to check on him, Leon had realized he was infected and yelled for the soldiers to get away, for he had "turned." The Ataman lifted his head slowly, opening his red eyes which shocked everyone. Buddy attacked on one of the soldiers which provoked Leon to attack two of the soldiers near him. Leon ran and dove out of site as Buddy began to shoot around the room wildly with his assault rifle and remained hidden as his kidnappers escaped, disposing of the other soldiers on their way out.
Leon followed the trio, overhearing the Ataman begging Buddy to carry on their goal for a new future without him. With great hesitation, Buddy ended the suffering Judanovich's life with five shots. As Buddy and JD left the scene, Leon came around the corner to pick up his flashlight that JD dropped, then briefly stopped to look at the Ataman's body before continuing down the tunnel. When Leon came to a room, he found a body nailed to a counter with a pickax. He carefully maneuvered the room, encountering JD who tried to keep Leon quiet. Not falling for what he thought was a ploy, Leon was suddenly attacked by Mr. Chenkov  a former teacher now infected with the Plaga. The infected man tried to impale Leon with a pair of trimming shears, but Leon managed to wrestle the weapon away. JD begged Leon not to kill the man, however Leon stated it was a request he could not fulfill. Leon then swiftly drove the shears down into Mr. Chenkov, ending his life.
JD threatened Leon with his own rifle, exclaiming that he knew the man. Leon informed him that the thing he just killed was no longer the man JD knew, and that if he didn't it, the infected would have killed him. Frustrated, JD lowered the weapon only to be attacked by another infected while Leon was also attacked. Struggling with his own fight, trying to prevent the infected from stabbing him with a knife, Leon urged JD to shoot the other infected man. Unable to attack the man, JD was knocked down by the second infected. Leon was able to finally wrestle the knife away from the infected attacking him, driving it into the back of its head. As the second infected Plaga began to protrude from its mouth, Leon kicked it swiftly in the face, knocking it off of JD. The infected rose back to its feet just as Leon readied himself, then attacked and drove the blade into the creature's face.
After killing the infected, Leon harshly scolded JD, asking why he bothered to carry a weapon he won't even use. JD retorted sarcastically as Leon was finally able to cut through his bindings with the knife he took. Unfazed by the sound of the groans of more infected, Leon picked up a crowbar to use as a weapon and told JD that if he ever decided to actually fire his weapon, to aim for the head. JD stopped him before he walked away, telling Leon to follow him to find the way out. Further down the tunnel, they found a large steel door that was shut tightly. Together they were unable to pull the door open, so Leon tried to pry it open with the crowbar. During the process, several more infected rounded the corner and began to pursue them. JD tried to squeeze through the doorway but got stuck, forcing Leon to have to attack one of the men to keep them at bay.
Driving the crowbar into the head of a man infected with the Plaga, the man's head burst and the Plaga grew from its neck. This urged Leon to help push JD through the gap in the door, the added help finally pushing the heavy man through as Leon followed right behind. Leon immediately grabbed a nearby chain, using it to wrap around the door handle, keeping the door closed and preventing their attackers from getting through. The two then followed a ladder out of the tunnel and up to the surface street. As they reached the street, the two witnessed as a mob of infected civilians chased down a soldier. They held him down as one of them expelled a Plaga from its mouth. Leon and JD watched as the Plaga was forced down the soldiers' throat and the man was painfully infected. As the crowd left, Leon finally managed to pull JD away and the two continued on to the church that JD was supposed to go to.
When they arrived at the church, JD accused Leon of being behind what had happened to the people of the town. Leon informed him of the Plaga, telling him that it was a parasite infecting the bodies of those people. He also told JD of the harsh truth that those infected will never be human again the most one could achieve is to remove the spinal cord and hoping for paralysis. At that moment, Buddy entered the church with two other members of the resistance, a third watching Leon from above. Buddy informed JD that Leon was telling the truth, then told Leon that he had more questions for him. Responding that he perhaps this time they can get to the truth, Buddy promptly punched Leon and had the other rebels take him hostage again.
After Buddy departed, JD ordered the other soldiers to allow him to speak with Leon alone. He was taken outside where JD cut his bindings. Leon immediately reacted, slamming JD against the wall and criticizing the methods of the rebel group, using B.O.W.s. Although JD tried to rationalize it and vie for sympathy, Leon dismissed it without so much as a thought, telling JD that it was something the two of them would never see eye-to-eye on. As Leon prepared to leave, JD told Leon of Buddy's past. He explained how the government soldiers attacked the school Buddy used to work at with his fiance, Irina, thinking the school was to support the rebels. Leon found out that when Irina and the school children were killed in the attack, Buddy decided to join the resistance. JD pleaded with Leon to save Buddy, to get to the Plaga before him so that he didn't have to see his friend turn into a monster. Returning his machine gun to him, JD told Leon that Buddy was heading to the central marketplace where the Council of Elders had left the Plaga for the rebels. Leon silently took his gun back and headed off to the marketplace.
Leon arrived at the marketplace to find the case that was holding the Plaga empty. A voice immediately caught Leon's attention, causing Leon to turn swiftly and attack. The two fought briefly, Ada easily evading Leon's attacks as she flipped away and aimed her grappling gun at him. Leon finally realized who she was, questioning what Ada was doing in the Eastern Slav Republic. Ada merely retorted with the same question. He immediately followed it up by asking if she was responsible for releasing the Plaga, a notion she found laughable, noting that she wasn't interested in "defective products." Ada spoke briefly and mysteriously about her job, causing Leon to ask again why she was there. She flirted briefly with him, asking when they would continue where they left off from "that night." Leon smirked and simply told her any time but then. Amused by Leon's rejection, Ada made her escape, warning him that the town would be purged soon.
Leon Returns to the church to find it most of the inhabitants dead, by the hand of JD. JD tells Leon that he merely let his guard down for a second; he returns Leon's Gear before he begins to turn. Buddy arrives and blames Leon for what happened; however, JD claims Leon is not their enemy. JD succumbs to the Plaga and attacks Buddy, however he is promptly killed by Leon. Leon tries to reason with Buddy, asking him to hand over the Plaga, to which he refuses. The government then began to bomb the area, causing the church to collapse. Buddy escapes, and Leon pursues him.
Leon makes his way to the presidential building, which has been decimated by Lickers, leaving hundreds of dead soldiers. Leon infiltrates the building, and is then encountered by two Lickers who fail to detect him, until a Soldier reaches for his leg and whimpers in pain. Leon runs from them, managing to kill one, and causes the other to fall to its demise after he charges through a door which leads to a massive elevator shaft. Leon descends into a B.O.W. manufacturing facility. He once again encounters Ada, who informs him that they are mass-producing Control Plagas. Leon and Ada are quickly surrounded by guards and confronted by Svetlana Belikova, the President of the Eastern Slav Republic. Ada deactivates the lights to make her escape. A fight ensues between Leon and Belikova's guards, which is soon interrupted by Buddy and a horde of Licker's. However, Belikova releases her own B.O.W.s - several advanced Tyrants. This initiates a Bio hazard and the facility begins preparations for incineration. Buddy and Leon escape the Facility.
One Tyrant follows them out and they attempt to fight it. Buddy uses Lickers to lure the Tyrant over to a tanker truck full of explosives; Leon promptly shoots it, causing the Beasts power limiter to be destroyed. Becoming even more powerful, Leon and Buddy use a nearby tank to kill the Tyrant. However, several more emerge, and the pair flee. Out of ammo, Leon prepares to fight the creature with his knife, however, an American plane has killed the creatures before they reach him. Leon realizes the government has been watching him the whole time.
Buddy asks Leon to kill him, as he doesn't want to turn. Leon refuses; Buddy attempts to shoot himself, only for Leon to take his gun. He tells buddy that he owes it to the people who died alongside him to keep living. Leon then shoots Buddy in the spinal cord, severing the Plaga's link to Buddy.
Leon returns to his vacation, Hannigan informs him that Belikova has resigned from her position. Leon then leaves his apartment.

Tall Oaks, U.S.A.

"I can't believe this is happening again. It's just like Raccoon."

Resident Evil 6 Trailer 02
Leon during the Tall Oaks Incident.
June 29, 2013, almost fifteen years after the Raccoon City Incident, the President of the United States of America, Adam Benford, decided to make public the truth behind the Raccoon City incident at a seminar at Ivy University. Accompanying President Benford is his trusted friend Leon Kennedy; and Helena Harper, a Secret Service member, when a bio-terrorist attack occurred in Tall Oaks. The President himself is infected and turned into a zombie, forcing Leon to make a difficult decision. It's not until the President almost attack Helena when Leon finally shoots Adam in the head, yelling his name. A shocked Helena mutters that "It's all my fault. I…I did this." Leon asks her what she's talking about, but she says that she will explain everything once they get to Tall Oaks Church.
On their way through the university, they eventually come across a man who guides Leon and his partner, Helena, through the campus in a search for his missing daughter, Liz. During the search he begins to make suspicious complaints of skin irritation. They eventually find his daughter and get in an elevator, only for her to fully turn, and attack and kill her father before turning on Leon and Helena. Leon and Helena fight their way out of the campus and escape on a police car; however, it crashes, forcing them to proceed through the sewers, where zombies, dogs and running subway trains stood in the way.
They eventually arrived at a gas station, where some survivors were fighting zombies, Leon and Helena assisted them and took refuge in a gun shop, until a bus driver (a friend of the gun shop owner) came to rescue them. Despite saving some people, their victory was short lived: the bus driver soon lost control of the vehicle, and all the survivors (except Leon and Helena) died either because of the zombies or the bus explosion.
Hannigan informs them that the city has been overrun, with over 70,000 people expected to have become infected. They have been infected with the new C-Virus, reported by the BSAA to be the same virus used by terrorists to cause an outbreak in Eastern Europe, six months before this incident occurred.
When Leon and Helena finally make it to the church, the survivors sheltered inside refuse to allow them in; however, one of them helps them kill the zombies with a Sniper Rifle. Leon and Helena finally get in, though he had to disappoint them by saying they are not rescue workers. While in the church, the couple accidentally free a Lepotitsa that begins to infect other survivors.
"I'm guessing that's the thing that started this hell!"

After finally killing the monster, Leon and Helena travel through the church basements, arriving in an underground laboratory. Deeper in, they eventually find and escort Deborah Harper (Helena's sister) until she becomes a C-Virus monster. With Ada Wong, they have to take her down, with Helena ultimately letting her sister fall to her death. Helena then swears to make Simmons pay for his actions.
After the fight, Simmons informs them that they are key suspects in the President's assassination, despite the whole attack being planned by him, and suggests that they surrender. Instead, Leon and Helena manage to escape the laboratory through the catacombs. After escaping from a shark-like B.O.W., the two escape Tall Oaks before it is destroyed in an air strike.

Lanshiang, China

Leon as he appears during his hunt for Simmons in Lanshiang.

"…I lost over seventy-thousand people, including the president, because of Simmons!"
— Leon to Chris
Leon asked Hannigan to fake both his and Helena's deaths so they could go to China in order to track Simmons down. On their way to China, things went awry when a Lepotitsa chrysalid hatched in the plane, infecting all the passengers with the C-Virus. Leon and Helena were forced to fight their way through the zombie infested plane, and it eventually crashes close by where Jake Muller and Sherry Birkin happen to be. When the four met, Leon asked Sherry what she is doing there, she replied that she was on protective detail. Sherry returned the same question to Leon, in which he responded that he and Helena were trying to track down Simmons, the man behind all of the chaos. When Sherry told him that she reported to Simmons, Leon asked her where he is and after she hesitated to tell him, he told her that he needed to know, approaching her in a manner that Jake felt he needed to protect Sherry by violently pushing Leon away. However Sherry told Jake that Leon wasn't just anyone: "He saved my life back in Raccoon City." Suddenly, Ustanak appeared on the destroyed plane, and the four of them team up to defeat the creature. After a heated battle, Leon and Helena were separated from Jake and Sherry when an electrical tower fell of Ustanak. Sherry yelled to Leon that she and Jake were meeting Simmons at the Kwun Lung building. Before Leon could tell her what to do, the tower exploded. As Helena wondered if they would be alright, Leon told her that they would be, as long as Jake was as good as he claimed to be. While making their way to Koocheng, Leon and Helena had to search through a whole market for three keys to unlock a door, all while they were being chased by a Rasklapanje. They managed to kill it by forcing it into a grinder.
When Leon and Helena found "Ada", they followed her into a building, dodging several traps along the way. Eventually, they got to a room just in time to see Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans cornering her, whom they believed to be the one responsible for the deaths of Chris' men and the outbreaks that have occurred. Chris had his assault rifle aimed and ready to shoot when Leon knocked it out of his hands to prevent him from killing her. They had a brief struggle, ending with the two pointing their guns at each other. Leon told Chris to put his gun down, saying that she was a "key witness" and they needed her, but Chris refused and abstractly told Leon that she is the one who did all this (referring to the global bio-terrorist attacks). Leon disagreed, saying that it was Simmons who was really responsible. Chris yelled that he lost all of his men because of "Ada", and Leon responded that he lost over seventy thousand people including the president because of Simmons. After a tense moment "Ada" managed to escape with a flash bomb, and Chris pursued her with no intention of harming her after Leon`s words. Leon and Helena then made their leave to find Simmons.
Reaching the Kwun Lung building, Leon assured Helena that it was alright for them to pursue Simmons and let Chris follow "Ada." Going inside, they found Simmons and his henchmen from The Family, and Sherry and Jake joined them shortly afterwards. To answer Sherry's questions, Simmons admitted to be involved in the terrorists attacks, but blamed Leon for the president's death. The Family then fired on the four, causing them to hide for cover. When Leon and Helena told Sherry and Jake to escape while they stayed behind to fight Simmons, Sherry gave them a chip containing information that could stop the C-Virus. As she and Jake made their escape, Leon and Helena open fired on The Family. Then they jumped onto a nearby train to pursue Simmons, who was shot with a C-Virus dart by a J'avo.
Simmons stumbled away to a passing train and Helena and Leon gave pursuit, jumping onto the train after him. As they found him at the front of the train Simmons tried to divert their attention at first by placing blame on Ada Wong, then tried to rationalize his actions. Leon and Helena dismissed his remarks as Simmons became more enraged and eventually succumbed to the effects of the enhanced C-Virus, his body rupturing and granting him the ability to mutate into a larger canine-like creature of bone and muscle tissue.
Unflinching, Helena prepares to take a final shot at Simmons. The two agents fought with the mutated Simmons throughout the series of train cars, though he showed no signs of stopping and only taunted Helena with her sister's death. He even proved strong enough to knock another series of oncoming train cars off of the railing. Simmons prepared to ram the train they were on head on, though they managed to trip him up as they opened fire, causing the train to ram him and flip him back on top of the train. His body briefly succumbed to the damage it received and reverted to his human form. He recovered quickly and as he started to mutate, Simmons declared that they have no idea what would happen if he were to die. Leon retorted that the world would be better off without him. Enraged, Simmons used his brute strength to dislodge a piece of the train's roof and send it flying towards Leon and Helena. Leon managed to slide and shoot the debris to knock it off course, giving Helena an opening just as it passed overhead as she fired one bullet directly into the mutated Simmons' head. Becoming distraught with the situation before him as The Family abandoned him, Simmons slipped from the edge of the train and fell on to the tracks, the train running over him in the process. The cars became dislodged from the rails and Helena and Leon were forced to leap off and into the water nearby. Alive and exhausted, they pulled themselves ashore just outside of Tatchi. They briefly overlooked the wreckage caused on the bridge railroad before walking up off of the dock, watching as civilians were being escorted to safety by the BSAA. Helena asked Leon if the ordeal was finally over to which Leon replied, "Yeah... it's over."
Moments before infection hits Tatchi. Before Helena and Leon could relax, Hannigan suddenly contacted them to inform them that Sherry and Jake had been abducted. Helena realized that the files that Sherry gave them had something to do with it and as they looked over the files, she pointed out to Leon how the key to stopping the C-Virus actually lies in Jake Muller. As Leon tries to get in contact with someone in the BSAA to help rescue them, Helena spots an object in the sky just above. With Chris patched through, Leon informed him of their location only to have Chris urgently yell for them to leave the area. The object overhead that Helena spotted was a missile that released the C-Virus in a blue fog over Tatchi, infecting countless people. Leon told Chris to find Sherry and Jake and rescue them and Helena overhears as Chris in turn told Leon that Ada Wong was dead. Concerned, Helena asked Leon if he was alright, but Leon only distantly mentioned finding survivors and escaping the city. With the help of some BSAA operatives, Leon and Helena manage to avoid the blue fog and escape into a truck with one of the soldiers. The soldier drives them through the fog to the edge of the danger zone, directing them to the Quad Tower where evacuees were being taken. Chaos reminiscent of Tall Oaks was everywhere as a stray gas tanker knocked them both out briefly. As they came to, infected citizens began to surround them until Ada suddenly appeared in a helicopter, providing them with cover-fire to make their escape. They managed to find their way to a bridge overrun with zombies that would lead directly to the Quad Tower. However, a plane set inside a building dislodged itself, starting a series of explosions that destroyed the bridge. Helena and Leon were forced to run, making their way to a BSAA helicopter to escape only to find the pilot was injured. Leon took the controls of the failing helicopter, managing to keep it suspended enough to crash through the side of the Quad Tower. Barely escaping the crash, Leon and Helena proceeded deeper into the tower.

Helena brings up Leon's feelings for Ada.
Helena brings up Leon's feelings for Ada. As they entered the Quad Tower, Helena and Leon were shocked to find Derek C. Simmons waiting for them. Still greatly angered, he mutated into a new, gigantic form as he witnessed Ada circling overhead in her helicopter. With the help of Ada, they managed to bring Simmons' monstrous mutation down once again. Ada retreated to the roof with her helicopter and Helena hoped the elevator was still operational. Noticing Leon's hesitation, she asked him what was wrong but he insisted it was nothing. On the elevator ride up, Helena finally spoke up about Ada, pointing out Leon's obvious feelings for her. Before Leon could respond, the elevator was blown off course by an explosion, forcing the agents to make a wild leap on top of the neighboring elevator. Together, they climbed the support cable only to witness Ada fighting with Simmons on top of a nearby connecting hallway between two of the towers. With Ada evading to another section of the tower, Helena and Leon found the opportunity to fire on Simmons from afar until the platform they stopped on began to fall, forcing them to jump back on to the cable. Simmons' attention shifted to the two agents as they climbed further. Helena tried to call out for Ada's help as Ada returned the favor, trying to slow Simmons down with gunfire. It was not long before Simmons went after Ada again, giving Helena and Leon the chance to find even ground once more until Leon found a way over to help Ada as she was knocked out by Simmons. From afar, Helena could do nothing but provide cover fire for the two while fending off whatever zombies shambled her way. Though Helena was helpless as Simmons managed to knock Leon to the edge of the platform, leaving him dangling until Ada came to his rescue. With Simmons dispatched, Ada bid Leon a final farewell before departing, though Helena urged him over their comms to go after her. Leon refused, stating that he and Helena were sticking together.
Helena urges Leon to follow after Ada. Reaching the roof, they discovered Simmons had survived their last encounter, mutated further as he absorbed the bodies of the infected to power himself. Though Simmons briefly blocked their exit, they managed to injure him enough to the point he was defenseless as surrounding undead swarmed and began to feed on him. They took note of the helicopter Ada had left for them and rushed to it, though Simmons - newly mutated into a massive amalgamation of different insects - tried to stop them once more. Noting how Simmons used the bodies of infected to regenerated, they used a loosened lightning rod to impale a zombie as Simmons took it in to regenerate its damaged head. The rod attracted the lightning from the ongoing storm, causing the electrified creature to crash through the floor. They reached the helicopter, but the injured and fully-mutated Simmons rose to try and stop them. The agents managed to finally put an end to things with a rocket launcher left behind by Ada, the blast of the launcher knocking Simmons back and deep into the belly of the tower. As Simmons fell, his body mutated back into his human state just as he was impaled on the obelisk Helena and Leon passed earlier, bleeding him out from his wound. Watching Simmons' death, Helena spoke of her finally getting revenge for her sister as Leon suggested they get to the helicopter.
In the helicopter, the two found a compact left behind by Ada with a hidden compartment. Inside the compartment was a small data disk containing all of the evidence needed to prove that Simmons was behind the bioterrorist attacks, the evidence to ensure Leon's innocence. When Leon said it would prove both of their innocence, Helena could only sadly remark that she did not need it. Before he could retort, Hannigan called to inform the two of them that a way to stop the C-Virus was found. Before the collapsing Quad Tower could catch up to them completely, they made their escape in Ada's helicopter.

Return to Duty

Leon returns Helena's gun to her, along with her freedom.
Sometime after surviving the events in China, Helena visited the grave of her sister with Hannigan, Leon, and other agents present. Remarking that it is time for her to take responsibility, she thanked Leon and said that she was ready to be taken into custody for her crimes. With a nod of approval from Hannigan, Leon approached and took Helena's arm, though instead of arresting her, he placed her gun in her hand. Helena was confused, proclaiming that she was an accessory to the attack on the president.
Hannigan informed Helena that upon reviewing the evidence, it was decided that it was not fair to hold Helena responsible for Simmons' crimes and further said that the findings would not be made public. When she tried to protest, Leon told her that President Benford would have done the same thing. Hannigan suggested they go join the rest of the team, though before departing Helena gave Ada's compact back to Leon, so that he can return it the next time he crosses paths with her.

Personality and Relationships

Leon first appears as a somewhat naive rookie police officer with a strong sense of justice and duty. After his actions during the Raccoon City incident were discovered, Leon was recruited by the U.S. government, and later becomes a Special Agent as a result of his training. Able to keep his composure in most circumstances, Leon is very compassionate and objective. He does things even when he doesn't have to because Leon knows that what he is doing is for the greater good. An example of this is when Leon was ordered to leave the Eastern Slav Republic, despite having just arrived. Instead, he chooses to stop the B.O.W.s from spreading, going on to bring the country's president to justice because he felt it was his obligation.
Leon's friendly nature makes him very likeable to others. He strikes up a friendship with Claire Redfield moments after meeting her. Leon also respected Jack Krauser, both as a soldier and a friend, before his betrayal. He was also very quick to strike up friendships with both Luis Sera and Mike, being deeply saddened by both of their deaths. Leon also formed alliances with J.D. and Buddy, despite their initial confilict, Leon was able to set his views aside and work towards a greater good. At the same time, Leon is very quick to oppose people who threaten others. He dislikes all three key figures of Los Iluminados within seconds of meeting them.
Leon has been shown to flirt with some of the women he encounters, including Ingrid Hannigan, who playfully rejected his advances due to him still being "on duty."
Leon also displayed a large amount of emotion for Ada at the time of her "death". Their relationship with is very complicated, despite there being some kind of bond between the two. Both have been shown to help each other multiple times, with each having feelings for the other. Despite this, Ada has no problem using Leon to further her own goals. However, Leon doesn't seem to hold this against her. He seems smitten with her, going so far as to tell Ashley Graham that Ada will always be "a part of me I can't let go".
Leon seems to care very deeply for some of the people he rescues. He goes to great lengths to protect them all despite not knowing them. He became Sherry Birkin's temporary guardian before she was taken into the custody of the US government. During Operation Javier Leon had a similar relationship with Manuela Hidalgo, doing everything he could to protect her, even nearly getting crushed. During his mission to save Ashley Graham, Leon put himself at great personal risk several times to ensure her safety. He didn't think twice about putting himself at risk before the Plaga removal machine before curing Ashley, who had doubts about it at first. Leon simply responded "There's only one way to find out. You operate", meaning that she would either save or kill him in the process.
Leon has been shown to go back and forth from being cold and focused to passionate in his missions. In the beginning of Resident Evil 4, Leon is initially dismissive of his police escorts, showing little consideration for anything other than the mission at hand. However, when the officers' car is knocked over a cliff near the exit of the village, Leon investigates and sees the wreckage below. Looking down, he says "Oh, no...", followed by "I hope the two officers are okay". In a similar fashion, when Leon enters the village and sees the corpse of one of the officers being burned at the stake in the center of the village, he remarks "What in God's name... if only he had come with me...", demonstrating that he regretted leaving the officers behind. In Resident Evil: Degeneration, he acts much the same way, his main concern being the mission at hand. During the incident in Tall Oaks, when fellow agent Helena Harper comes under attack by a zombie, Leon helps her. However, he scolds her when Helena says she still can't believe what is happening, telling her "Well, get used to it. It's either them or us... and they don't hesitate." Despite his stern tone, Leon likely said this to keep Helena focused and not let the crisis get in the way of their survival.
Despite his focus on the mission at hand, Leon has also selectively grown emotionally attached to the people that he encounters on these missions. During his mission in Spain, Leon grows close to both Luis Sera and helicopter pilot Mike, to the point of mourning greatly over their deaths. Even after giving a very black-and-white view to Helena of their situation, Leon is prepared to dive head first into a fray to try and save two innocent people being attacked by zombies, even though it is already too late.
Leon is at first very hesitant to shoot U.S. President and long-time friend Adam Benford after he transforms into a zombie, only doing so when Benford attacks Helena. This is undoubtedly because Benford has had a substantial impact on Leon, being the one to recruit him into government service in the first place. The two are shown to have been close friends, with Benford telling Leon that he values their friendship, and Leon referring to him on a first-name basis several times. Before Benford had become President, he was one of the only people Leon had ever confided in about what he went through during the Raccoon City Incident.[10] He admitted to Adam that he found it hard to find hope, and had even contemplated killing himself to get out of the situation, making Adam one of the few people to whom Leon has ever shown some form of vulnerability.
Leon cares greatly for normal people and is always willing to help them, even when it involves putting himself in danger. After shooting the President, Leon and Helena encounter a man who is looking for his missing daughter. He asks for help, and Leon agrees without hesitation, even after Helena tells him that there wasn't enough time. Leon simply tells her, "We're making the time." When Leon and Helena see two people frantically holding up "Help!" signs somewhere on the Ivy University campus via security cameras, Leon quickly tells Helena to come with him to rescue the civilians. However, Helena tells him it's too late, and when Leon looks back at the camera to see the people being killed by zombies, he looks away in frustration and grief. During his fight with Chris Redfield, Chris tells him that he lost all of his men because of Carla Radames (who had been impersonating Ada Wong). However, Leon angrily replies that he lost over 70,000 people, showing that he cared for all the citizens who had lost their lives in Tall Oaks.
Even in times of danger, Leon will often brighten the mood or keep a calm composure even in the presence of his enemies. An example of this is during conversations between Salazar and Saddler. When Salazar revealed that he had sent his right hand after Leon, Leon jokingly asks, "Your right hand comes off?", knowing that Salazar meant his right hand "man". When Salazar transformed into a monstrous Queen Plaga, Leon remarks, "Monsters. Guess after this, there'll be one less to worry about." During his conversation with Saddler after reuniting with Krauser and Ada, Saddler tells Leon that he will introduce him to "it", and that it should keep him busy. Leon then mocked Saddler's age, saying "Can't remember the name huh? A senior moment, perhaps". In the Eastern Slav Republic, Leon refers to a Licker as a "Cowardly Lion."  When Leon and Helena were trying to find keys to a cop car on the Ivy University campus, he states, "Heh, jacking a car isn't as easy as it looks in the movies." When the two are on a plane bound for China, Leon and Helena find the Lepotitsa that was left on the plane by Simmons, and he sarcastically remarks, "You don't suppose that thing can fly a plane do you?"
Leon despises Bioterrorism just as much as Chris Redfield. He categorizes those who create or use B.O.W.s as villains, and is unwilling to see their usage as justified, a point he makes clear to JD. He compared Osmund Saddler's plan to use Las Plagas to take over the world to an alien invasion.

Skills and Abilities

Since joining the government as an agent, Leon has immensely evolved as a combatant both in skills and knowledge. Leon is an incredible marksman, capable of making head shots from over fifty yards and rarely missing his intended target as well as showing a proficiency with fully automatic weapons. In Resident Evil 6, Leon dual-wielded handguns effectively. He handled an M203 grenade launcher (attached to an M4) to great effect, bringing down a walkway on a mutated Curtis Miller. During his mission to the Eastern Slav Republic, Leon carried a customized AKMSU, with which he fought Lickers and Tyrants. Leon is capable of making efficient use of "heavy" weapons, having used rocket launchers in fights against larger creatures on multiple occasions as well as being able to effectively operate the main cannon turret on a small tank.
Leon is also remarkably skilled in knife combat, having a preference for them in close-quarters as he claims they "work better" - advice he passed on to Ada. He has advanced in aptitude with knives to the point of using them expertly in an ambidextrous capacity, even being able to switch hands in the midst of combat. He demonstrates an extremely high accuracy when throwing knives, evidenced by his ability to hit Salazar's hand from the opposite side of a large room, free Ada by cutting the ropes that bound her and hitting Curtis Miller's mutated eye directly in the pupil. His overall fighting skills shined when they were put to the test when Krauser engaged Leon in a knife-fight in which Leon was able to hold his own. After being cornered by two Tyrants while in the Eastern Slav Republic, Leon was also prepared to defensively do battle against them with only his knife after he had run out of ammunition.
In addition to his mastery of weapons, Leon is an accomplished unarmed combatant. While in Lanshiang, Leon was able to match Chris Redfield in hand-to-hand combat evenly until they both drew their weapons on each other simultaneously. He was also able to keep up with Svetlana Belikova, a trained combatant and instructor. His fighting style apparently incorporates various styles in stand up striking, doing take downs, grappling, and ground fighting. He can easily turn the tables on foes who have snuck up on him, being able to disarm and restrain Ada who had a gun pointed at his back, and JD who had him in a similar position. He is also able to hold the combined weight of Angela Miller and the mutated Curtis Miller.
In terms of physical fitness, Leon is in peak physical condition. He is very acrobatic with incredible reflexes, being able to perform various flips and evasive maneuvers to avoid lasers, enemy attacks, debris, and other obstacles. Leon is quick-footed, being able to outrun not only boulders but a massive robotic statue of Ramon Salazar. Leon has also used Parkour in order to escape from a platform that is about to fall, and to pursue Alexander Kozachenko across several shipping containers. He is a quick thinker and can react instantly to any situation in order to survive, or simply land safely, being able to land on his feet after being knocked back by both Krauser and Svetlana Belikova.
In addition, he seems to be able recover from injuries incredibly quickly and seems to be extremely resilient. In Resident Evil 2, he was able to carry on after being shot in the lower torso after a very short recovery time. In Resident Evil 4, he was able to take a blow from Saddler and being sent crashing into a large machine. While fighting Curtis Miller, Leon was able to survive and recover from a powerful backhand which sent him flying into a power box head first. He was also able to survive a direct punch from "013" Super Tyrant form as well as being thrown against a concrete pillar by the same creature. In Resident Evil 6, he falls from a helicopter and lands on his shoulder, but gets up moments later with no ill effects.
This all lends credence to Ada's statement, as she had described Leon as having formidable survival skills and being "Practically a genius." Leon also seems to have keen instincts, being able to detect Krauser's presence, who had been trying to sneak up to Leon to attack and kill him.
While in Lanshiang, Leon showed some degree of piloting capability as he was able to keep a helicopter he and Helena Harper were in in the air for an extended period of time, even after skimming along the side of a moving train. Leon was also able to crash-land the airplane he and Helena were on, though this was mostly through the guidance of Ingrid Hannigan.[11] Leon also showed some degree with mechanics, this was shown during his encounter with Ustanak as he was able to get a broken down bus to operate even after the engine suffered from issues.

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